
Friday, March 19, 2010

It came from the PUG

Today, something extraordinary happened to me... I got into LFG, the group assembled and finished without anyone leaving!

Like I said before, the new LFG system had a tremendous problem: the people using it! Those jack-asses who leave half the time because they don't like the healer/tank...suck it up dudes! We all want to get the dungeon done and move on with our day...
Anyways, incredibly enough, today a group formed, we said our hello's and started the run. I was on my hunter, so it was an outland's instance (Blood Furnace to be precise).

Tank said pretty much nothing during the whole run, he was a pally, so after requesting my might buff a couple of times (I'm beginning to think he didn't speak much english) we were on our way. This guy, even though was quite, was a great tank, he knew how to pull, how to AoE tank (yes, pallys are natural AoE tanks, but still, I've seen pretty bad ones.. trust me), and was one of our top dps aswell... excelent job.

The healer, a belf priest... excellent heals, didn't say much during the whole run either, but still, kept us alive on those small-groups-turned-into-huge-groups pull. No-one died during the whole thing, which amazingly enough, happens to me almost every time nowadays.

The DPS'ers, well, they were great, nothing special to say about them..., the freaking mage was toping the Damage done metters, thanks to her AoE's >.<, still, all in all, we all did good.

So, in the end, I entered a dungeon afraid of what I was going to find, and left it feeling sorry about the fact that I couldn't run another one (lunch break was over...*sigh*). I wish all my pugs were like this one.
Sadly, I couldn't get any loot, since the new loot system won't let me need leather pieces >.<, but then again, my new pet Ghanima leveled, so that's cool :)

Ok, here ends my rant for today, and here is hoping this experience actually repeats for me :)

Cya around.


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