First real post.. here we go:
This may not be really usefull for someone with a lvl80 main already, since they have access to things like Daily Quests (so many that tends to be boring...), other might have capped professions able to make some of the best crafted epics around, etc, etc...

So, this tips are all server dependent of course, since the economy behind every realm is incredibly independent from the others (which is logical, once you think about it..., different players, different needs..), but they should be good enough to guide you in the right direction.
This is all based on my own personal experience after almost two years of play, but there is really no big fansy economic analisis behind any of this.., it's just a start.
Now, lets see:
Now, lets see:
Note: This list assumes you don't have a profession, which really, you should have.
Note 2:
- BoE: Bind on Equip
- BoP: Bind of Pick-up
- Get as many bags as you can. Don't matter if they're the small 6 slots drops you get at start of the questing experience, or your 20 slots bags from Haris Pilton, or whatever.. just get as many bags as you can. If you start at 0 copper, it'll be hard, but just try not to sell them, and follow the other steps.
- Using the bags I just mentioned, keep EVERYTHING you get..., from where you say? Looting, if you want money, specially when you have very little, loot everything. If your bags are full (which might happen fast, if you have small ones), try to prioritize: BoE blues that you won't use > BoE greens that you won't use > (Herbs/Rocks/Leather you might get from loots) > BoP items > White Items > Grey Items. Why this you ask? Well, I'm glad you did, the first three items on the list, can be sold at the Auction House (AH from now on), that'll make your life a lot easier and will probably get you a lot more money that selling it at the local vendor. The other items on that list, are meant to be sold at vendors if you have no use for them, so go ahead.. sell them.. I'll wait right here...
- .....
- Ready? Sold everything I told you to? Great! Lets move on then. The AH: your best way to make a buck here on Azeroth. Remember all that stuff I told you not to sell at the vendor? Bring it over here..., come on.. don't be shy. Now, asuming you're very new to this, and don't know what an addon is, this is what you gotta do (if you do know what addons are, I'd recommend installing Auctioneer and using the appraiser feature):
- Open up the AH window, shift left-click on the item you want to sell (this will write the name of the item on the search box of the AH) and click on search. This is going to show you all auctions of the same item you want to sell...
- Now it's time to think, if someone is already selling the same thing, try to auction it a bit cheaper, it'll give you more chances to sell the item, and since right now you have very little money, every little copper you can get, is wellcomed, so.. sell the crap out of everything you can (remember the list :) ). There might be times, specially when selling random greens, that there will be noone selling the exact same item, in this case, you can go a bit crazy with the price. It is highly recomended that when selling a green or blue that's not on the AH already, you check out the similar items, already for sale, that'll give you some basic idea as to how high (or low) you can go. One general rule I try to follow when selling a blue on the AH is this: over price it..., sell it like 10 or maybe 20 times higher than you would a green of that level, there is probably someone out there who's going to buy it, and if not, you'll get it 2 days later on the mail, ready to try and sell it again.
You have to remember one thing when playing around with the AH..., sometimes you'll get really lucky, and you'll sell everything and other times, you won't sell anything.. don't let that get you down... just grab everything back and go and try again, making money is about perseveranse aswell :)
So that's my really basic take at how to make some gold on WoW, following this simple rules, I have a lvl46 druid, with 500g, and a lvl 52 Hunter with just about 220g (but I bough him the bow Hurricane for 150g when he turned 50 so...), I also have a bank alt with 2k gold, but that took a bit more work.
Another GREAT idea, would be to have professions..., if all you want is to make money, I would recomend taking up herbalism and mining, they're a bit of a pain to level (specially the latter), but they're the best out there. What you get with them is used on so many professions that there is always demand for your items. And don't forget the passive bonus from mining and the healing spell from herbalism are GREAT tools for leveling :)
Anyhow, leave a comment if you find this usefull or un-usefull. I'd love to hear from you...
Catcha around
Disclaimer: There are far better guides out there on "How to make money" for this game, made by people who actually know a bit more about the wow-enonomy, but they tend to be too hard on the new comers, that' why I made this simple thing. Once you get the hang of it, you can go and read stuff from people like the Greedy Goblin (this guy is crazyly effective and has some really great ideas).
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