Leaving aside the new baddy, and the whole lore behind that particular subject, there is another subject that has clouded the minds of many players over the years:
How come the Trolls (and the gnomes, but I don't care about them) don't have their own city?
That question can actually be expanded as to: How come, being such a rich and powerfull race, they are stuck sharing everyhing (starting zone, mayor city and what not) with the Orcs?
The Echo Islads
A battle was fought, but the last remaining Darkspears had to flee the islands, seeking refuge with the Orcs of the Horde in order to survive. This conflict still remains, and there are attacks against the Echo islands every day, but until now, nothing has changed and Zalazane still maintins his dominion.
So, what's going to change?
Apparently, after some data-mining and information that Blizz has announced, come patch 3.9 (this is not really official, the patch number is a guesstimate based on the official URLs given by Blizz) the Trolls will embark on an attack against this old foe in order to retake what's rightfully theirs. There is not really much information about what's really going to happen in-game and what the whole player experience is goingo to be.
Are we going to get a cinematic?
Are we going to get an instanced event like the retaking of UC?
Who knows, but based on the information that's floating on the net (see below), I'm thinking the latter...
Us players will probably have to complete some kind of chain of quests in order to get access into the battle. Hopefully, it'll give us some kind of achievement in the end, unlinke the Battle for Undercity (which was a dissapointment really.. it's like..I just help save your asses and no achievement? C'mon!)
Here is the dialog that's in the game's file, and has been data-mined (source: WoW.com). Thanks to the following text, we can take some wild guesses about how the whole fight is going to go down, and really... it sounds pretty good!
Vol'jin: Sons and daughters of da Darkspear. Friends of da tribe. We be gatherin' here on the shores of Sen'jin Village to be takin' back what is ours. Come now, join the liberation of the Echo Isles. Zalazane will fall.
Vol'jin: We be gettin' ready to march on the isles and free them of Zalazane's wicked rule. Join me.
Vol'jin: Zalazane's time has come. Da Darkspear will have a proper home again. Be ready.
Vol'jin: You came, wise sista. Da Darkspear be grateful.
Zentabra: Of course, son of Sen'jin. Zentabra always keep her word.
Vol'jin: Dey time has come. Warriors of the Darkspear make ready. The Loa walk with us. Are ya ready, Vanira. Zentabra.
Vanira: The elements... yes... dey be walkin' with us, too!
Zentabra: As do da beasts of dese isles.
Searching for Bwonsamdi:
Vol'jin: Den we go... first to Bwonsamdi. If we gonna win dis, we need his mojo on our side.
Bwonsamdi: Who be stirrin' up me bones! Dems Bwonsamdi's charges and not to be touched!
Vol'jin: I be Vol'jin, son of Sen'jin, here to ask your aid, Great Bwonsamdi.
Bwonsamdi: Hmph. I know who ya are, Shadowhunter, and I know what ya want. But what makes ya think I'm gonna help you. Ain't a wise ding callin' me from da utta side.
Vol'jin: I ain't askin' for me alone, Great Spirit. But on behalf of da Darkspear Tribe. On behalf of me people.
Bwonsamdi: Darkspear... It been long time since I heard the drums... since I drank da ritual offerings... I be watchin' over yer dead, Vol'jin, and for nothing. Why have the Darkspear forsaken Bwonsamdi.
Vol'jin: We were driven away, Great Spirit. Hex master Zalazane took the isles from us, drove us mad, made us fight one another. Da only trolls left in da Echo isles are his mindless voodoo slaves.
Bwonsamdi: Zalazane...
Vol'jin: Aid us, Bwonsamdi. Help us regain our home. Return da Darkspear to da Echo Isles and hear your drums again. Drink your ritual offerings once more. Dis I, as son of Sen'jin, do swear.
Bwonsamdi: Mmm... Time ta see how bad you want dis, Shadowhunter. Time ta see if you be worthy.
Bwonsamdi: Ya tink ya have what it takes ta face me? Give up, Shadowhunter.
Vol'jin: Not me, Great Spirit. Ma tribe.
Vol'jin: Dey be waitin' for us all. We fight now for our old home. We gonna claim what be ours.
Bwonsamdi: Enough! *chuckles ominously* Ya got some big mojo, Vol'jin. Maybe ye be worth helpin' after all.
Bwonsamdi: Mmm... go ta da old village across da water. Take it back. I help ya den.
Bwonsamdi: Spirits of da Darkspear! Arise! Take up da ancient mask! Take up de bloody spears! You'll be followin' Vol'jin now!
Bwonsamdi: Now go, use me boon wisely.
Retakin' da island:
Vol'jin: Don't be underestimatin' Zalazane. He be a tricky foe. Cunning and strong in da voodoo. Are ya ready? Move on.
Vol'jin: It be time. Hex master! Da sons and daughters of da Darkspear have returned. We gonna drive you to da sea.
Zalazane: You ain't be doin' nothin' of da sort, Shadowhunter! Da Echo Isles are mine!
Zalazane: Witness da powa of me voodoo! You ain't leavin' dis island alive!
Vol'jin: We can't be lettin' him get away.
Zentabra: Dere ain't no escapin' Zentabra. Not while he's on dese islands.
Vol'jin: Den find him, Wise one. Go.
Zentabra: He be just west o' here workin' at some black magic.
Vol'jin: Not for long. Time to finish dis ting.
Zalazane: *ominous cackle*
Vol'jin: Give up, Zalazane. It be over now.
Zalazane: You fool! I ain't runnin' away! I lured you here to kill you with your own precious tribe.
Zalazane: No matter. I can't be touched. No living ting can make its way through this barrier. Da Echo Isles be Zalazane's to rule, Shadowhunter, for now and forever!
Bwonsamdi: *ominous cackles better than Zalazane*
Zalazane: Who? Who that be?
Bwonsambi: Zalazane! What ya tinkin' takin' dat which be mine. Da Darkspear dead are my domain, Sorcerer, and now you're gonna be one o' dem.
Zalazane: N... no... no... NO!
Epilogue:Vol'jin: A fittin' end for so foul a troll. Bwonsamdi, you have my tanks and dat of all da Darkspear. We will continue to honor as is propa.Personally, I'm very exited about this, since this could mean the creation of a new mayor city, filled with voodoo and trolls doing capoeira, which is always fun, wouldn't you agree?
Bwonsamdi: It will be good to hear da Darkspear drums once more. You take care now, son of Sen'jin. Bwonsamdi will be waitin' for ya on da otta side.
Vol'jin: Time ta return to da village. Time to rebuild our home. Da Darkspear's home. Will ya be stayin' wit us, wise Zentabra.
Zentabra: My fate be entwined wit yours now, Vol'jin, for good or for ill. I be stayin'.
On a more RP level, I think it's about god damn time, the Trolls get their home back. We've beaten the old gods, defeated Arthas, Ilidan and god knows how many other uber baddies and they can't take out a simple Witch doctor? I mean.. c'mon, how powerfull can he be? Uh?
So, all in all, very exciting news, hopefully, it'll end up being much better that anyone can actually guess (yes, I have blind faith in Blizzard, what's your problem?).
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